Yeah ... Hillary Clinton Might Have Dressed In Blackface: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „id="mod_41590317"><br>Even I was amazed at how quickly this story was "debunked."<br><br><br>But I'm not buying it. Mostly because if it was them, they couldn'…“)
(kein Unterschied)

Version vom 19. Juli 2020, 16:09 Uhr

Even I was amazed at how quickly this story was "debunked."

But I'm not buying it. Mostly because if it was them, they couldn't ever admit to it.

Snopes noted three "proofs:"

The height difference,
"Hillary's" eyes appear to be brown,
Because the Clintons have long been in a position of power, this photo should have come to light many years ago.

The height difference noted by Snopes is ridiculous. They used a photo from the Clintons' wedding, in which the Clintons were photographed with Hillary standing on a step so she appears to be the same height as Bill. Strike One.

The blackfaced woman in the photograph might have brown eyes. But it is just as likely that the camera angle made it appear that her eyes are dark. Strike Two.

And Snopes' "proof:" Why would it take so long for the photo to be published? Wouldn't the Clintons' enemies be frothing at the mouth to get their hands on such damning evidence as this?That's an easy one.

Because there are probably billions of photos lying in millions of boxes and albums in homes all over the country; photos that have not been seen in decades. There is a good possibility that this was in a shoebox in a guest room closet ... maybe the owner of the photograph didn't even remember being at the party with the Clintons. Maybe someone's kid found it and the person then confirmed that they were at a party with the Clintons. Stranger things have happened.

So while I can't say with 100% certainty that this is the Clintons, and that Hillary is wearing blackface ... well, I'm not ready to 100% debunk it, either. So Strike Three.

The Ears Have ItClinton's earlobe is entirely attached. It is important to note that this is not a dominant trait; most earlobes are unattached.

This is the SAME earlobe!

Ignoring that the guy in this photo looks really stoned, and remembering that Bill Clinton normally carries big bags under his eyes ... what caught my attention were the earlobes.

Attached earlobes are a recessive trait (about 30% of the population has attached earlobes), yet these two pictures show men with identical, attached earlobes ... or maybe it's just the same guy.

Roger Clinton, half brother of former POTUS Bill Clinton | Source

Several people have claimed that the blackface photo is of an unknown woman and Roger Clinton, Bill Clinton's half brother.

To that I say: NONSENSE.

Roger looks nothing like his half brother, Bill. Specifically, Roger has a "free" (unattached) earlobe, while Bill has an attached earlobe. It is important to note that attached earlobes are a recessive trait; roughly 20% of the population have attached earlobes.

Unattached earlobe of Roger Clinton | Source

The slender man in the photo has visible shoulder bones.

The older and chubbier Bill Clinton has similar shoulders.

The older and chubbier Bill Clinton has similar shoulders. Note that neither man has any identifying marks on their neck or shoulders.

Both are hair-free on their chest and neck.

Both have the same skin coloring.

Hillary Clinton's not-so-narrow face.

Another argument is that Hillary's face is more narrow than the blackfaced woman. But as you can see, there are several photos in which Hillary has a fuller face.

Bill and Hillary Clinton.

The clincher for me is the teeth. The blackfaced woman's teeth are clearly not very good, but neither are Hillary Clinton's. The front six teeth on the top are straight enough, but the back teeth are clearly not aligned with the front teeth.

Her eye tooth, in particular, looks very similar.

Hillary's imperfect teeth.

Leaves room for doubt.

I can't say with any kind of certainty that this is Bill and Hillary Clinton, but I think that people debunked it too quickly.

Snopes needed to leave this at a "maybe."

After all, in some photos, people we know are the Clintons don't look like the Clintons.

I swear, this is Bill and Hillary Clinton.

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Ida B. Wells was a pioneer of the African American civil rights movement. However, her "investigative journalism" built a foundation based on half truths and toxic rhetoric. Our house is divided, white and black communities are at each others throats

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16 months ago
Also "bills" hair is very close in color and also looks to be parted on the same side. Unbelievable! But's that's the dixiecrats and the old confederacy trying to stay in power. Resist might be heard from a confederate too! They went from a white racist wing of the party to a multi-racial racist wing of the party.

16 months ago
Also to my understanding Hillary's uncle was in the KKK. I haven't researched this much. Maybe it was Bill's uncle. Read it years ago.

16 months ago
One more thing. By the pictures shown Hillary stands about to the height of Bill's eyebrows. Very similar to black face.

16 months ago
Definitely looks like bill. It could be assumed to be hillary just by association but not as sure about the woman. But with "bill" they both have very similar lips, nose, eye brows, eye bags, and the two front teeth jutting out a bit. Also just his overall likeness to bill clinton. The woman has a darkened tooth on the left hand side. Might just be shoe polish.

16 months ago
I believe its them they would never admit to it.

RC Nice 
17 months ago
The socialist left would never admit it was crooked hillary even if they knew it was. As much as they despise hillary, they love bill. He's still a money maker for tour hồ ba bể them.

Nicole Margulis 
17 months ago from U.S.
they do look alike. I'm not sure if they're the same people though.

17 months ago from Carson City
MzB......I wouldn't attempt to refute a single thing you said. I'm sorry you have not ever read any of my comments in terms of my attitude toward DJT. I actually don't like him as a person. Didn't like him 10 yrs ago, don't like him now. I've been vocal about that. Melania? I actually haven't thought much about what I think of her.
I choose to drop you an email rather than go further on Hillie Dillie. Just know that you may be speaking of the HRC you knew way back when....which is fine. I know the NY Hill. A very different woman! I have many friends who mean the world to me & we've had to "agree to disagree" & basically keep politics out of our relationship. It works well. Politicians change often. Friends are forever! Later, girl!

Doris James MizBejabbers 
17 months ago from Beautiful South
No, Paula, you have the right to your opinion just like I have the right to my opinion of the Trumps. Trump is everything you said about Bill Clinton except for his intelligence. Bill is a Rhodes Scholar and kept us from being invaded by the very factors that slipped by Bush the Twig on 9-11. I will refute that you called Hillary a drunk. I've never know Hillary to be a drinker. She is a sober individual, cold and unfeeling, I'll admit, the very antithesis of Bill. She treated us reporters like we were the scum of the earth, so she wasn't very popular with any of us, but a drunk, no. Neither are some of the lies that were spread about Chelsea when she was a child. One of my good friends who was a teacher said that Chelsea was her favorite pupil, polite, courteous and intellectual.
Bill's problem is that he is a womanizer, and we abhorred that. But so is Trump, tour thác bản giốc từ hà nội and Melania is a gold digger to put up with it. Hillary put up with Bill's womanizing for her own political aspirations. Not good, but effective. And ole "Grab 'em by the P. Trump," how can you stand to look at him. It is obvious that Melania enjoys her husband's money or she wouldn't stay. By the way, have you seen her porno videos? She made them when she was working here illegally on a visitor visa which did not allow her to work. I would post the link but that probably would get me censored, but you can google them. Talk about a couple who make me sick and want to take a shower. At least Hillary can't be seen publicly all the way up to her belly button. The Clintons don't have four bankruptcies to prove they are untrustworthy like the Trump.
So, lets just agree to disagree and still remain friends. I love you despite our political differences, Girlfriend.

17 months ago
it's not Roger Clinton, look at the ears

Dean Traylor 
17 months ago from Southern California/Spokane, Washington (long story)
Seriously? This was debunked years ago. Besides, the graininess of photo indicated it came from the 80s.

17 months ago from Carson City
Well girlfriend MzB....I'm going to boldly take the liberty to comment with my heartfelt, assertive thoughts-feelings-opinions-two cents. I love you so I can only hope I don't piss you off with my diametrically opposing (from yours) stance regarding the corrupt Clintons.....
I don't CARE...even a tiny bit, if the pictures are authentic....if they are Bill & Hillary or Mutt & Jeff. I don't care if they masqueraded in black face or blue, green or purple face. THEY, in general are irrelevant to me.....non-existent. I KNOW who & what they are and NONE of it is any good at all. When snakes like them show me who & what they are....I believe them. Billie & Hillie are damned crooked...liars, manipulators, thieves, slippery snakes in the American landscape. Bill's a pig, womanizer, rapist, bullshit artist from start to finish. He's disgusting. Miss Hillie is a raging bitch, falling down drunk, haughty, arrogant, wicked witch with NO soul. Power mongers, devious sneaky criminals.
I care only that sooner or later, they simply fall off the face of the earth and go straight to hell. Blahhhhck! It makes me nauseous to even see their putrid faces or mention their names. I need a shower to wash the Clinton filth off me!
(I hope I've expressed myself clearly?)

Doris James MizBejabbers 
17 months ago from Beautiful South
@ DRS New England: After this old hub resurfaced, I did google those campaign buttons. They do exist and were not sanctioned by the Clinton/Gore campaign. I'd never seen them, nor do I possess one although I still have my campaign buttons.
[ I notice that a lot of people are still making wild assertions, but very few people are backing up their most Trump supporters.
As for the ear comparison being proof, that theory doesn't hold water because my sister had attached earlobes, while my brother and I do not. I believe that is Bill, but not for the sole reason of earlobes.
But what difference does it make anyway. That was over 40 years ago. The past is past. Are Southerners going to have to live forever in the criticism of Northerners? Are you never going to leave us alone? FYI the Emancipation Proclamation DID NOT free the slaves in the Northern states of Missouri, Kentucky and Delaware. What hypocrites! It took the passing of the 14th Amendment to free all slaves.][ Or google the Emancipation Proclamation and read it for yourselves.
17 months ago
The nose gives it away. Bill's nose doesn't appear to be as thin as the photograph. (not that there probably is a picture like this of them somewhere)
Leland Johnson
19 months ago from Midland MI
The guy looks like Roger Clinton, Bill's younger half brother.][ ][ ]Tab 
4 years ago