How To Install Custom Content In Sims 3 PC Mac

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Version vom 19. Juli 2020, 20:23 Uhr von PearleneBarragan (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „id="mod_18736477">#1 Simulation Game<br>The Sims franchise has been going strong for over 10 years and it doesn't seem to be letting up […“)
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id="mod_18736477">#1 Simulation Game
The Sims franchise has been going strong for over 10 years and it doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon.

With over 100 million copies of Sims games being sold by 2008, tour hồ ba bể one of the main characteristics that have allowed it to be so successful, beside the obvious ability to play God and run your own world, was the customization for the PC version.

From the very first Sims title released in 2000, people who play the game on the computer were able to easily customize their own clothing, people, objects, and more, as well as download other custom content (also known as CC) from websites that allowed Sims fans to upload their work for others to enjoy.

The popularity of custom content only continued to grow with the release of The Sims 2 and the rise of [ ], sparking whole websites created by anyone and everyone who felt like it, some of these sites often demanding some sort of payment in return for tour hồ ba bể từ hà nội the custom downloadable content that they spent their time creating for others to use. Not everyone was pleased with the idea of paying for custom content, so other websites that hosted free custom downloadable content became more frequented.

One of the most well known and highly visited websites to find Sims 2 and Sims 3 custom content is [ ][ ][ ][ ]. Right-click the link and choose "save link as..." and save it to the Sims 3 folder you should have open at the moment.

Next, right-click the file and extract it by choosing "extract here" and a new folder titled "Mods" should show up. Open this folder, and you should see three things: an "Override" folder, a "Packages" folder, and a Resource.cfg file like in the photo below.


If everything looks right, open the "Packages" folder. Here you should see two files: a NoBuildSparkles.package file and a nointro.package file.

If for some reason you don't see these files or any of the others, delete the Mods folder and start again from the beginning as you must have made a mistake. Otherwise, load your game up. Since you've already got two .package files downloaded and installed, you'll be able to see if everything is working properly.

Everything look good? Now you can start installing some of your own downloaded CC. To install .package files from here on out, just place the extracted files into the "Packages" folder. You're done!



.sims3pack files are pretty easy and straight forward to install. If you just want to install one .sims3pack file, simply double-click on it and the launcher will start for you to install.

If you want to install multiple .sims3pack files at once though, you'll need to place the files into the Downloads folder, which could be found in the same location as above in the .sim files installation section.

When you're finished placing the files in the Downloads folder, open the Sims 3 game launcher and click on the Download button which you can find on the left. Check each box of Custom Content that isn't installed, and then click install. Done and done!

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sending[ ]Samuel Franklin 
5 years ago
Thank you for the guide.