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Email marketing is an effective way to grow your business online and it shows successful path to get more clients to your business. You may also consider paying a referral fee to businesses that send customers your way. You can only develop products and services that will be a huge hit if you are attentive to the needs of your customers and prospects. Instead of focusing on dollars and cents, focus on growing your though leadership and mindshare in the industry by creating content like I mentioned earlier.

One of the biggest struggles small businesses face is maintaining the image that they can stay afloat and demonstrate growth, and be able to support that image with actual results. The condition of the economy doesn't have to dictate your business growth and expansion plans.

So putting the whole picture together in our example, we have 200 leads per week, (10400 leads per year) with a conversion rate of 10% = 1040 customers, which all purchased on average 10 x times per year = 10400 sales, at $50 per sale = $520,000 in sales for the year, and at a 20% margin = resulting in $104,000 Profit.

20% had an undeveloped digital presence, relying on basic tools such as email, but with no significant Recommended Website or social media presence. But if the B2C interactions on social media are any indication, it's becoming clear that people still want to do business with people.

Selling more of your existing products to the customer base you've already secured carries the lowest risk and can be one of the simplest ways to increase revenue. Finances become more manageable once your business has some success, but having extra funds on hand during growth is paramount.

Potential customers will naturally find your site once your blog has an established online presence. Once they decide that your services are good they will want to do repeat business with you and pay the regular price. When I ask most people "how have they grown your business most successfully" they often tell me, it's by word of mouth and referrals.

Get instant access to all 78 videos and 46 tools (worksheets, etc.). You will learn step-by-step how to start, run and grow a business. Or it'll be people who are already in another network marketing business. It will help you decide when to increase the volume of products that are selling like hotcakes or discontinue products that you're taking a hit on. Look at your growth plan.